17 November 2021

Inspire Awards 2021

Inspire Awards 2021 - logo The Child Friendly Cities and Local Governments Inspire Awards celebrate innovative and inspiring solutions or projects that foster child rights at the local level and improve the daily lives of children and young people in the cities and communities where they live., Watch the Awards Ceremony, This year, the awards were given in six categories. Check the icons below to learn more., icon - child participation CHILD PARTICIPATION, Ensuring that every child and young person has their voice, needs and priorities heard and considered in public laws, policies, budget and decisions SEE WINNER & ALL SUBMISSIONS - CHILD PARTICIPATION, icon - social services CHILD-FRIENDLY SOCIAL SERVICES, Providing access to quality social services to children, young people and their families, including physical and mental health care, education, nutrition support, early childhood development, child protection and family support, and developing and providing child- and adolescent-friendly social services SEE WINNER & ALL SUBMISSIONS - SOCIAL…, icon - child poverty CHILD POVERTY REDUCTION & SOCIAL PROTECTION, Redistributing & allocating public resources that benefit children & their families, especially the most disadvantaged children; assessment of child poverty in cities or local government settings; and social protection measures that support children in cities or local government settings SEE WINNER & ALL SUBMISSIONS - POVERTY REDUCTION, icon - environment SAFE, CLEAN, SUSTAINABLE AND CHILD-FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENTS, Safe and child-responsive urban design, mobility and freedom from pollution and waste, including action to mitigate the effects of climate change on children SEE WINNER & ALL SUBMISSIONS - ENVIRONMENTS, icon - play & leisure PLAY, LEISURE & FAMILY TIME, Opportunities to enjoy play, leisure & family life, including social, cultural and sports activities, and access to safe places to meet and play SEE WINNER & ALL SUBMISSIONS - PLAY, LEISURE & FAMILY TIME, icon - governance CHILD-FRIENDLY GOVERNANCE, Implementing an analysis to support the understanding of the situation of children and the major deprivations they face; collecting data and ensuring local programmes, plans and budgets include child priorities; strenghtening the transparency and accountability of use of public resources; and promoting children and young people people's…