CFCI framework

Building a child friendly city

CFCI Netherlands - sport
UNICEF the Netherlands/van Bergen

The Child Friendly Cities Initiative is an optional engagement strategy which contributes to the goals and results of the UNICEF Subnational and Local Governance Programming Framework.

Goals & Results

GOAL: Realizing the rights of every child, including adolescents, especially the most excluded

  1. Every child, including adolescents, have access to inclusive social protection and lives free of poverty
  2. Every child lives in a safe and sustainable environment and has access to inclusive social services


  1. Disaggregated data on the situation of children informs decisions at the local level
  2. Local development policies, strategies, plans and budgets are child responsive
  3. Children and communities have a say in decisions at the local level affecting their lives
  4. Delivery of social services at the local level is effectively coordinated
  5. Urban spatial plans are child responsive