Territorios Amigos de la Niñez
Territorios Amigos de la Niñez (TAN) is an initiative that started in Colombia in 2016, and arises from the need to advance processes of technical accompaniment, as well as to value and stimulate the management efforts carried out by the territorial entities sustainably, accelerating progress in the protection of the rights of children and adolescents in each territory. This initiative is an articulated product between the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF), as the governing body of the Sistema Nacional de Bienestar Familiar (SNBF), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and other public and private key partners with presence in the territory. UNICEF Colombia has supported the adaptation of the initiative through a participatory process with local authorities and civil society agencies, and children themselves have been consulted.
This strategy aims to recognize the efforts of the territories around sustainable development, putting children at the center of decisions. (I) Impact government actors, society and the family to engage and articulate management around children’s rights. (II) Strengthen the management capacities of the public servants of the territories in order to fulfil their legal and constitutional responsibilities on the guarantee of children’s rights and gender equality. (III) Assess the concrete actions, carried out within the scope of their competences, listening to and incorporating the voices of children; (IV) Promote processes of continuous, progressive and integral improvement of territories in the guarantee of children’s rights.
The strategy “Territorios Amigos de la Niñez” (TAN) was implemented for the first time in Colombia in 2019, including 45 territories to be part of the process of recognition as a Territory that advances to be a “Child Friendly Territory”.
This strategy it also includes three key elements that must mobilize the actions of those who are part of the recognition process, and which will be reflected later in the dimensions to be evaluated:
- Synergistic relationship between the integral development of the territory and the integral development of children and adolescents.
- Effective participation of children and adolescents as an essential aspect for the transformation of the territory.
- Promoting and driving changes in the territory involving most actors or agents.
The Sistema Nacional de Bienestar Familiar and UNICEF Colombia, with the different partners of the strategy, are implementing the second version of “Territorios Amigos de la Niñez”, summoning 80 territories to be part of the process of recognition. This is a process of recognition, of the effort and commitment of those territories in Colombia, that put at the center of their decisions, children and adolescents as part of their integral and sustainable development, supported in their own progress in each territory.
For this version 2.0, the strategy of Territorios Amigos de la Niñez (2021-2023) emphasizes the advances and effort that the territories printed in the period from 2020 to 2023, in the three dimensions that structure it:
1. GUARANTEE OF CHILDREN’S RIGHTS, with an emphasis on:
- Health – Nutrition
- Violence prevention
- Education
Social and economic development that points to social inclusion, with an emphasis on:
- Risk management with a focus on children
3. GOVERNANCE, with an emphasis on:
- Regulatory and policy framework
- Institutional architecture
- Participation of children and adolescents
Population: 51, 049,498 (projection DANE 2021)
Pop. under 18: 14,289,864
Carolina Cuevas M., Social Inclusion Specialist
Jeanneth Avila, Social Inclusion Officer
UNICEF Colombia
Teléfono: (571) 3120090 ext. 438/432
Calle 72 No. 10-71 Piso 11
Bogotá Colombia
List of child friendly cities in Colombia
54 child friendly municipalities
- Andalucía
- Arauca
- Arauquita
- Arjona
- Barranquilla
- Bogotá D.C.
- Buenaventura
- Cali
- Caloto
- Carmen del Darién
- Chía
- Cúcuta
- Cumbal
- Dibulla
- Floridablanca
- Guamal
- Inzá
- Fortul
- Ipiales
- La Jagual del Pilar
- Maicao
- Malambo
- Manaure
- Medellín
- Páez
- Pasto
- Pereira
- Providencia
- Pueblo Rico
- Puerto Santander
- Puerto Wilches
- Quibdó
- Riohacha
- Rio Quito
- Riosucio
- Sabanagrande
- San Andrés de Sotavento
- San Juan del Cesar
- Santander de Quilichao
- Saravena
- Silvia,
- Sincelejo
- Soacha
- Soledad
- Támara
- Tibú
- Titiribí
- Tumaco
- Unguía
- Uribia
- Valle del Guamuez
- Venecia
- Villa del Rosario
- Yumbo
26 child friendly cities departments
- Arauca
- Antioquia
- Atlántico
- Bolívar
- Boyacá
- Caldas
- Caquetá
- Casanare
- Cauca
- Chocó
- Córdoba
- Cundinamarca
- Guainía
- Huila
- La Guajira
- Meta
- Nariño
- Norte de Santander
- Quindío
- Risaralda
- San Andrés
- Santander
- Sucre
- Valle del Cauca
- Vaupés
- Vichada