Reducing the number of children born with low birth weight
Pasto, Colombia
Best practice - Health
In Pasto, Colombia, the municipality has taken action to reduce the number of children born with low birth weight by improving access to sexual and reproductive health services; strengthening social mobilization around the issue of low birth weight; improving the nutritional status of pregnant women and mobilizing the education sector on the prevention of low birth weight. The municipality works together with community organizations to signal pregnant women at risk or are in different situations of vulnerability to the programme.
This ensures that women have access to regular health services and check-ups throughout the pregnancy. The programme offers monthly food packages for pregnant and lactating women to support their access to nutritious food. Schools are particularly supported to cater to the nutritional needs of pregnant adolescents and to ensure their continued education throughout the pregnancy and after the birth of the baby.
The programme has already reached hundreds of pregnant women with health services and ensured vaccination and birth registration of all newborns participating in the programme. Over 100 pregnant women have been supported through education and entrepreneurship training, which in turn secures livelihoods for the women and their families.